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5 Assistive Technology Tools to Support Special Education Students

5 Assistive Technology Tools to Support Special Education Students

This blog was written by Jessica Greene, Special Education Teacher at Green Tree School & Services.  

In today's educational landscape, assistive technology tools play a crucial role in supporting the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) by providing accessible learning opportunities for students with disabilities. These tools are designed to address a variety of needs, from enhancing communication and engagement to improving focus and comprehension. This article explores five innovative assistive technology tools that empower students to overcome challenges and thrive in their academic pursuits, ensuring every learner can succeed.  

Paper Based Computer Pen 

Experience an improved writing utensil for students with low and high incidences particularly during instructional time. This pen will help students stay on task by supporting memorization and retention. The pen also has playback features. This pen goes along with a specialized electronic paper that supports writing as well. This pen can be used to solve math equations and write down notes. Lastly, this pen can also be used to complete graphic organizers and underline important facts in a reading.  
Talking Calculator 

This device is targeted for those students who are more audible learners. The student can speak the numbers into the calculator to solve the equation. For students with limited movement, posture, and balance, this will help support them in solving equations.  

Sensory Break Bag 

Have you ever been in a full-time emotional support classroom? If so, you know what to and what not to expect during instructional time. Some days, students in an emotional support classroom experience angry outburst. Sensory breaks help emotional support students with emotional regulation and verbalization. When those students are in a fight or flight mood, they have a hard time processing their words. As a result, they act out and break things to get their words across. This sensory bag will help fight those urges in a more constructive manner. The bag consists of: 

  • Crayons to break and peel 
  • Popsicle sticks to break 
  • Sticky notes to verbalize and tear apart 

Click here for more tips on dealing with sensory issues.  

Finger Focus Highlighter 

Have you ever read a book or article and started daydreaming and then you looked back at the words, you have no idea where you left off? This visual aid helps keep track of words one at a time. The student will place the device on their primary finger and track each word one by one. They come in three different bright colors for easy finding.   

Ginger Auto Correct 

For those students with learning disabilities, this tool can be used to strengthen students' writing and reading abilities. As students are using computers for instruction, they can use the auto correct feature for proper corrections. Another way to use this tool is in small groups for ELA and corrective comprehensions. Students can write their responses down and the teacher can submit their responses onto the website for corrections for immediate feedback. Click here to learn more.  

Assistive technology tools are essential in creating inclusive and supportive learning environments for students with disabilities. By addressing a wide range of needs, these tools provide tailored support that enables students to overcome their challenges. As educators continue to integrate these innovative solutions into their classrooms, they uphold the principles of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), ensuring every student can thrive and reach their full potential. 

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