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Meet Makhai: Fun Lover

Meet Makhai: Fun Lover

Celebrate Autism Awareness & Acceptance Month all April long with us by getting to know our students! Read more about Makhai and how he likes to hang out with his friends and brothers.  

How old are you? 


What do you like to do? 

I like to play games and chill with the boys. I also like to play with my dogs and with Legos. I am also a big Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fan.  

Do you have any siblings? 

I have three brothers. We like to play games together, and we can get pretty competitive.  

Who is your favorite teacher? 

I like Mr. Gary and Mr. Vine, but I have lots of favorites.  

What is your favorite subject? 

I love math and music.  

Do you have any future plans? 

I want to get hired for a job. I am interested in working in building management.  

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