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Meet Lamont: Behavior Manager

Meet Lamont: Behavior Manager

March is Employee Appreciation Month! We’re celebrating our team members all month long by sharing their stories. Read more about Lamont McLaurin, Behavior Manager, and how he started a basketball team at Green Tree School!

What is your favorite thing about working here?

My supervisors. I really love the community I work with. They make working here enjoyable.

What keeps you coming to work each day?

Integrity. Giving back to the students knowing the work I do really impacts the community.

How do you make an impact on students’ lives?

By showing up for them every day. Showing them how hard work and dedication can truly change your trajectory.

Which one of our BetterTogether values resonates with you most personally and why? (Integrity, Accountable, Collaborative, Inclusive, Supportive)

Supportive, because I really care about positively shaping the kids’ lives. 

What does a “day in the life” look like for your role?

Every day is different. You never know what you’re walking into. It all depends on the kids. It's forever changing but that's also one of the things I love about the job.

Can you talk a little bit about your career trajectory and what led you to where you are now?

I feel like I was born into this field. My dad owned a school, so I've been around kids my whole life.

What has been your proudest moment or accomplishment in your role?

Getting the basketball team back up and running again. Seeing how it's had a positive impact on our students.

What is something about you that not many people know?

That I'm allergic to fruit.

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