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Meet the Student Ambassador: Vinsin

Meet the Student Ambassador: Vinsin

We are featuring our new 2024-2025 student ambassadors to congratulate them on their exciting new role! Meet Vinsin, a 6th grade autism support student and new student ambassador!

Vinsin is a leader to his peers at school who regularly holds others accountable to the rules and appropriate conduct. “I believe I know what is right and what is wrong, so I choose the best way to have self-control, following directions, and remaining on task,” he said when asked why he applied to be a student ambassador. Vinsin also noted how he does a great job with accepting and applying feedback.

To Vinsin, a leader is someone who shows a group of people good deeds. Anybody can talk, but few can truly demonstrate the best way forward for all people. By doing good works, Vinsin leads by example while making a positive change.

To become a student ambassador, one must exemplify respect, leadership, and cooperation – all of which are qualities Vinsin possesses. He pointed out that he can show students how to have self-control, follow directions, and stay on task without doing bad things. Once again, Vinsin demonstrated a passion to lead from the front. 

As a student ambassador, Vinsin is a role model for his peers. He is dedicated to leading by example and maintaining order in the school. With him acting as a mentor to all students, the school will be more unified than ever!

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